The day I met Lou Holtz

I was on a cruise recently in the Caribbean, absolutely beautiful and I felt very blessed to be there. The ship was a lot of fun and every evening a bunch of “regulars” converged at the Piano Bar to listen to Eric, the resident crooner. I noticed a lot of people would go up and talk to an older gentleman, even get their picture taken with him. Initially I thought he had a large family! It dawned on me soon though that he was someone famous in American football. What did I know, I’m a Brit!

One evening at the bar he came and sat next to me and we got talking. He offered to buy me a drink, I declined politely and asked him what he did. He laughed and said he was Lou Holtz and used to Coach Notre Dame. (I had never heard of Notre Dame, I gather its a University team). I had no idea that he was an absolute legend and is a regular TV presenter, acclaimed author and motivational speaker.

We got talking and when Lou found out I was a coach as well, he said “I can help you!” and gave me an impromptu session which was truly inspirational and extraordinary!  A remarkable and kind man, Lou shared with me some of his tips for what it takes to achieve greatness in any field. Attitude is the number one success factor that differentiates winners from losers, according to Lou and I have to say I wholeheartedly agree.

No matter how skilled or talented someone is, without a positive mindset, focus and determination, they cannot achieve the big league. He also shared his ideas on what it takes to be an exceptional coach and I definitely took it all on board.

A wonderful man, it was great to meet him and I truly appreciate his time and his wisdom.

Inspiration comes in the most unexpected places sometimes :D

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No Responses to The day I met Lou Holtz
  1. Michelle O'Neil
    April 14, 2010 | 3:23 pm

    Awesome Piya!

    I am so glad you and “Lou” connected!

    I am so glad you are blogging!

    This made me day!

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