Letting go of the un-controllable!

I woke up really early today, excited a kid on Christmas day about my trip to Phoenix and Las Vegas. A formerly unheard of Volcano called Eyjafjallajoekull (no, I don’t know how to pronouce that!) had other ideas though. ALL flights cancelled till at least Saturday morning, my trip in shambles and I was decidedly disgruntled. After a brief rant about how unfair it all was, I had to start laughing – what can you do??? Absolutely nothing! No other flights, no other options, just chill, relax and watch the cricket. On the bright side it’s a sunny day in London and a weekend and my diary is blissfully & unusually empty!

Guess it could be worse – sometimes the only thing to do is just let go, relax and enjoy the ride, even if it was not how you planned.

Check out the Volcano at http://eldgos.mila.is/eyjafjallajokull-fra-valahnjuk/

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2 Responses to Letting go of the un-controllable!
  1. Michelle O'Neil
    April 17, 2010 | 12:43 am

    Great attitude Piya. There is no injustice, right?

    ; )

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